Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

The hot winds that blow from the West...

...but is it Art...

We weren't sure about the new exhibition in the Underground Gallery, but we did like the Elisabeth Frink exhibition at the Weston ;). See extras.

Met old friends Chris and Trevor at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park - we haven't caught up for a while, as Chris has been recovering from a smashed leg in a motoring accident.

We had a lovely time, and 5 hours passed incredibly quickly, including a relaxed lunch!

Last night the play Chariots of Fire was brilliant - a deserved standing ovation at the end! The staging was excellent - see extra for the stage set while the audience took our seats. They "warmed up" so thoroughly they made us feel tired just watching! The races were performed on treadmills, or by counting down the metres. Fabulous!

What we didn't expect was to be ejected from the tram at Shalesmoor at 10.30pm, with a 2mile walk to get back to Malin Bridge Park and Ride... Tramlines festival was on in Hillsborough Park, and we were going against the flow as they turned out. Gridlock - which is why we'd parked at Malin Bridge, but the trams weren't going in our direction, only taking festival goers back towards Sheffield. Good job it wasn't raining ;)

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