
By Teasel


Once I got going, I popped out for a wee walk.  It was much cooler than it has been, with a cool wind.  Once home, I then took myself out for my first run in over a month.  I wasn’t sure if I would be able to run to the end of the road, but I just kept going and did a very sow six miles.  I was happy with that.
I have been on call for work all weekend, and had my first (and only) call just after lunchtime.  It took a wee bit of sorting out – but not too long.  Once that was all done, TT and I went for a wee walk, picking up a few bits and pieces for tea on our way back, 
TT then cooked and I pottered.  Tea was really nice – a chicken curry pie.  Very tasty. 
As we were enjoying our meal, this sparrowhawk was enjoying its meal in the garden.  We have one less sparrow!

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