A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


Quickly mowed the two top lawns yesterday.  Quickly because of impending rain, which duly impended with vigour just as I'd (almost) finished.

For a couple of years we'd used the Green Thumb lawn service as I'd prefer to keep these two smaller, level(ish) and relatively new lawns in reasonable condition.  The majority of what we euphemistically call lawn in the garden is left to fend for itself - and generally loses, which is fine for the bees and stuff.

After multiple brief, often postponed, 'services' we concluded that it saving us absolutely no time and was consuming more cash than it seemed to justify; so when they put their prices up even more we called a halt to it.

So, as an experiment, we spent a seventh of the cost on a large bag of "mobacter".  An organic fertilizer (chicken-generated by the smell of it) and moss killer by way of a bacterium in the package.

The above is the result after 2-3 months, with no raking, which I'm pretty OK with.  It's not perfect by any means, but it's not footprint-leaving levels of moss either.

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