madwill's world

By madwill

A Sharp Turn

I walked to Wetherby again this morning - this time I set out with the intention of going there, unlike the other day.

Stopped on the way to capture the view at one of the bends in the foot/cycle path/bridleway!!

This is a single frame - not a stitched or phone panorama. The lane does bend through about 120 degrees which is slightly exaggerated by the wide angle of view…

I have added it to maps if you want to peek!

As you may be able to see  - the sign points the way to Wetherby.

At this point I have travelled just over one mile from home - which is up the path on the left..which bends 90 degrees to the left at the tree line.

It didn’t rain - despite the threatening clouds - and I did pack a waterproof in my bag today, just in case.

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