Capital adventures

By marchmont


After a swim, which confused people as the lanes have been moved back to what they were, the day bumbled on.  I tried not to do any work but I did wash the kitchen floor! Also had a long call to #1 son and a quick 'hello' to the girls. 

After lunch I went out to Dobbies to collect the new flowery trainers and later in the afternoon I dead headed the roses and tried to sit outside but it was windy and then cloudy.

The day cheered up in the evening when Y, K and I went to a 'Think Pink'  wine tasting at WoodWinters.  It was very good and we topped it off with a glass at Southpour - no half price cocktails though.  I came home and had pasta.  Apart from the first 5 mins I missed the Olympics opening ceremony.  I heard it rained.

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