Kendall is here

By kendallishere

Surprise! Happy birthday!

Look what I saw when I opened my door to some furious knocking this evening! What was in the bag is in the Extra. Homemade flautas, salsa, guacamole. Sour cream for dipping. Plums from their trees. Dessert. And even a bottle of fizzy water. (The photo is actually a replay. I didn't answer the door with the camera in my hands, but Cristina made a phone photo of me opening the door being surprised, and then they let me get my camera.)

Sue has now tested negative three times, with different kinds of tests. Maybe she is in the less than 1% of people who get a false positive. We've been texting all day, keeping in touch, both feeling well so far.

I am one very fortunate human being, moved by their love and by the concern of friends and family expressed in texts and phone calls, moved by all of you extended Blip family. Thank you for your support and empathy and for your kind wishes. I won't comment tonight, taking a break from the screen. But oh, you are a mad splendid lot.

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