
By pandammonium

Military planes

We get a lot of military planes passing by overhead. Not as many as when we lived on the boat, but still quite a lot. There was one flew proper low yesterday as I reached the meeting point for running group yesterday; this lad seemed in awe of it.

I was vaguely thinking about how I could go for a run this evening; I’d about talked myself out of it again when Mr Pandammonium came through and said he was going for a cheeky non-scheduled run.

‘Want to come?’

The nerve. He wanted to use me as a pacemaker because he needs to be able to run slowly.

I said I’d been thinking about going for one, so out we went at my pace. He found it hard – as did I, but for different reasons – but it was more or less the pace he wanted. After 5k, I was ready to stop, but he said his legs had warmed up and were raring to go, so he did another lap while I cooled off.

Without me as his pacemaker and with his legs primed, he struggled to continue at the required pace, speeding through the streets. I told him to channel his inner me.

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