
By KCNQ2Haiku

Friday vibes

Exhaustion, post-brush!
Leo knows when it's time to
have a nice lie down..

Ben really didn't want to go with carers this morning, I managed to cajole him sufficiently that he did leave in the end but it's a bit draining.  He did want to do the activity and he does like the staff but he just finds the transition so debilitating.  He didn't actually end up having a great day, one of the carers took a wrong turn in the car and he got very upset apparently, so he ripped his t shirt and caused a bit of a scene.  Sigh.
I met a friend in the morning for a quick chat, then took Leo for a run around and Mr KCNQ2Haiku and I went for a bite to eat.  I still had time to take Leo for a little mini walk around the block before Ben came home too.  Photo was after he chased around the garden and into the bushes and became Seedy Fur Boy (a little known super hero..) which required a Serious Combing that he tolerated but resented.. I think he decided the best way to get rid of me was to flop down to sleep!
The rest of the afternoon has been quite quiet, some cooking and prepping salad etc and now Ben wants me to watch him play Minecraft on his iPad, so I'm off for now.  
Happy Friday all :-)

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