
By MumOf4Wildlings

Family Friday

A lovely relaxed day for the wildlings.  Everyone is feeling better.  
The wildlings got chucked in the bath this morning and then Harp wanted a haircut.  

My sister and kids came round for a few hour's and my niece got me to cut her hair too. Quite good that she trusts me. I cut it shorter than that . 

We have just spent time with nana Joan.  She's sad and peeved off today. I'm peeved for her too. Her boyfriend of 25 years has dumped her with no warning.  And what's bloody annoying is that for the last 6 months she has been at his back and call because of his health. And she always puts herself last. And his health has made him quite angry and not nice to be around at times but she has stuck by his side. And then he just came and left her things on the doorstep.  I really want to text him but I'm holding back.  I mean he's 80. What a shi##y way of dealing with things. It's her birthday next week so we will need to spoil her more. 

We're picking up Mr R early tonight from work. 

I'm not around tomorrow.  I have park run in the morning and then a day with my friends exploring a waterfall.  No wildlings,  just us. 

Have a lovely weekend 

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