Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Over there!

Woke up to Haar this morning which is not a great surprise except that we are in Rhode Island. We flew to Boston yesterday (Wednesday) arriving at noon and are staying with friends in their beautiful house overlooking the ocean in Newport. Colin and Drew were at uni together and we've seen a fair amount of them other the years. This is the first time we've been in the US though.
The weather improved somewhat over the day and in the afternoon we walked downtown (or uptown depending on your preference). It was around 25 degrees today and very humid.
I wasn't very inspired with my photography today, I've got out of focus shots of an osprey on the telegraph pole in the garden, a rear view of an American Robin - so you can't see its red breast and various town shots. I'll put a collage in the extras when I can gather some energy. My blip is a Question Mark butterfly, not dissimilar to, but bigger than, our own Comma. It was sitting on the window sill of the oldest Episcopal Church in Newport, dating from the early 1700s.
Our wedding anniversary is tomorrow, but Drew is busy at the Folk Festival all day so they took us out for a celebratory dinner a day early. I don't think I've ever been in such a luxurious hotel, a magnificent setting overlooking the bay with glorious food. I'll put a picture of the group of us as an extra.
I'm not keeping up with blip very well at the moment, I'm trying to see journals, but my time is not my own, so apologies for lack of comments.
Thanks again for your kindness over the last few horrid days. Time to relax a bit now.

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