I'm so furious!! I went to one of the nature reserves at teatime to get a blip and I found these three kittens who'd been abandoned at the edge of the car park. They're only about 8 weeks old; they're definitely not feral - they're used to humans, if shy. Maybe someone thought they were big enough to fend for themselves but the area around there has lots of foxes, weasels and predatory gulls and birds. I couldn't get hold of the RSPCA, who don't come out to stray cats anyway, according to their website, so I phoned my friend Margaret whose daughter is animal-mad and has trained as a veterinary nurse. They came with a big dog cage and some food and eventually after a couple of hours scrambling through the weeds and wilderness we managed to capture all the kittens. Louise reckoned they'd only been dumped today because they probably wouldn't have survived a night there. So my kitchen is now full of kittens, who were ravenous and very thirsty and are crying for their mum. When I let them out of the cage they climbed on my knees and purred. Tomorrow they'll go to the rehoming centre. Much as I'd like to keep them it really wouldn't be a good idea right now, but how anyone could look after them for eight weeks (they're healthy and clean) and then just take them to a car park in the middle of the wilds and abandon them, I just can't understand!

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