
By lucia13

Barbeque and swimming pool! Wow!

Hi everybody! Hope you are enjoying the weekend .! It is a fantastic day here, 30 degrees C again . We when for a barbeque in Barbara's garden . One friend and colleague of my husband from the school where he works. We met there last year around this time as well and it was raining too bad! . This year we were lucky and we could use the swimming pool at least and be fresh all day. There were about 18 people there. There should have been more but some couldn't come . They are all from the department of mathematics and they this barbeque is to celebrate the end of the course. The next week will be the last week, aleluya!!. Really they need a holiday urgently. The pupils and teachers.

It was amazing! We had some fun. almost all of us were in the pool playing with the dolphin and with the kids. The garden is huge . We went for a walk around looking for dears . Barbara told us that 3 dears are living there near her garden but we saw only one because it was so noisy and they are hide if there are many people around. I couldn't take a picture of him so I took this atmospheric picture of part of the group . They were there waiting for the food and chatting , the children were playing in the pool . I made tortillas and other people brought pasta ,salad, burgers. sausages . etc .etc. I have better pictures than that but it show you the view so you can have an idea the place were we stay. My husband is there sat with the hat.

The next year I hope it will be in our new house in the garden.

Have a nice day everybody and thanks for the comments of Margaret's portrait.

She will be very happy when I show her the loveley comments she got from all of you... thanks a lot.

Enjoy the summer.

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