secret garden

By freespiral

Light on the water

A pottering sort of day - nice skype with Joe in the morning, followed by a bit of work in the polytunnel and a sort out of emails. The sun finally came through at around 3pm and we went for a walk, up and over the mountain past the stone circle. Still muggy and hot when the sun came out properly - a bit of water and sunlight in the waterfall and my  abstraction sorted - as minimalist as you can. A walk down to Kitchen Cove and the tide was way out and the bucket gone.

I think it was NickyR who recommended The Beautiful Game on Netflix. It sounded corny and cliched and it was but done with great charm and we much enjoyed it.A real feelgood movie and  Bill Nighy is always superb.

Well it could almost be Smoke on the Water - apologies for the ear worm and the head banging and air guitar that will follow.

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