
By feorlean

More of me....

I know I have blipped the inside of my eye, courtesy of the optician who was examining it , and I did blip something from the dentist before, but I was fascinated when back there today to see this image,  which is my jaw. 

I have a gap where a tooth broke and was taken out earlier this year.  The question was whether there was enough bone to have an implant, and the answer apparently is yes, even though my nerve is somewhat bigger than normal - a statement that  (it occurs to me as I write it) could be taken several ways.

I was also very struck by the fact that for all previous generations the only way you got see this view of part of a skull  is when someone was dead .    Alas poor Yorick  and all that. 

But now this type of technology can be used to deliver  more accurate intervention and therefore better health outcomes.

There is much good as well as bad in the world we now inhabit. 

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