Blush response

By Esper

Who Was That Masked Man?

On This Day In History
1853: California Rangers kill Joaquin Murrieta

Quote Of The Day
"If you betray me, I will scatter to the winds all that you have and all that you love."
(Joaquin Murrieta, The Life and Adventures of Joaquin Murrieta by John Rollin Ridge)

Bonus Quote Of The Day
"That terrible, three-fingered hand, which had dyed itself in many a quivering heart, had torn with its ruthless talons the throats of many an agonised victim, and had shadowed itself forth upon the horrified imagination of thousands who only knew that it existed."
(Describing the hand of Joaquin Murrieta's companion, Three-Fingered Jack, The Life and Adventures of Joaquin Murrieta by John Rollin Ridge)

Joaquin Murrieta, the inspiration for Johnston McCulley's Don Diego de la Vega aka Zorro and thereby the inspiration for Bob Kane's Bruce Wayne aka Batman. Interestingly, the man to whom Murrieta spoke the words quoted above did betray him and so, later, Murrieta rode into town in disguise. Before killing the man, Murrieta removed his disguise and said, "I am Joaquin!" Now, be honest, you read that in Christian Bale's voice, didn't you.

While Three-Fingered Jack was way too violent to have been a Bernardo or a Robin, he would have made an awesome Wolverine!

Now the mask you're wearing
Is stoney and staring
Lines and tears, age and fears
Growing old, passions cold

Is it me, is it you
Who wears another face?
Is it me, is it you?
Behind this mask, I ask

Behind The Mask

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