The Art Walk

Our little city, Fenton, Michigan, had an art walk today. The weather couldn't have been nicer. 80F degrees, with a nice breeze. Heavenly.

There were 4 different performers playing music, from a ukulele player to a 7 piece classical ensemble. Steel drum band, too.

Then, things starting getting odd. Does anybody besides me think those "human statues" are kind of unsettling? Freaky? Disturbing? Uncomfortable?

There are 5 "statues" in the collage. Mother with baby, the garden fairy, the soccer player, the goddess, and the mannequin in the lower left. I watched the garden fairy for 5 straight minutes, AND SHE NEVER BLINKED! NOT ONCE! I don't care who you are...that's not normal.

The only fun thing about to be standing in front of them, and talking about them...'cause you know they won't come out of character.

I did see one "statue in training." He was a painter in front of an easel. Got too close to the easel...knocking over both the easel, and the canvas. It was REAL HARD not to chuckle.

If you paint it into can see 2 self portraits. I am in the upper left, behind the horse. Lisa is on top of the moon...her face in the Mona Lisa painting. ( it the Moaning Lisa painting...because I made her do it?)

Forget all the statues, and the performers. The "STAR" of the day was Bambi...the pretty in pink chihauhau. She said I could take her picture...but only if she was the biggest in the collage. What a cutie.

Free popcorn and lemonade from the Methodist church...topped off a fun stroll.

Prices? The horse can be yours for $11,500, and the "gadget head" sculpture on the left is $350. Let me know if you're interested.

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