
By ArcLight

Town decor

It was proper warm when I went out at lunchtime to pick up a sneaky Harry Gow (which I definitely felt I deserved given my all day meeting - Mr A....well, I'm not so sure, but he got the same as me....). Sadly, it was not warm any more by the time my meeting had finished for the day around 5pm. That's really sad. I feel like I'm missing what amounts to the Highland summer this week.

Anyway, I not only got a sneaky Harry Gow, but also a blip - here are some of the hanging baskets regularly watered by volunteers from Tain Task Force, including N and L, which make the town centre brighter and more cheerful in the summer. Along with the Royal Hotel, which ought to be a nice venue, but which doesn't quite make it. It would be better if they stocked better beer....

Meanwhile, in the meeting, we almost finished the first pass of all of the texts, and have left ourselves not too much to do tomorrow. I am, in the words of one of the participants, "a machine". If I am, I feel thoroughly wound down this evening.

Elsewhere, the patio is taking shape.

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