Blip Meet

Today I met Rona and Susi at Coton Manor, a beautiful house with stunning gardens in Northampton. What a lovely day for chilling with the flowers, chickens, pink flamingoes and of course these two lovely ladies (and Rona's dishy hubby Paul) :)

So good to have a couple of hours getting to know each other and, as always with fellow Blippers, it was a relaxed and easy afternoon.

Rona then whisked Paul off for a surprise night away - hope you guys are having a wonderful relax.

I came home and threw my bikini on, then after an hour came inside and sat with a fan blowing on me - I love the sun, but it's bloody knackering!

Dinner has only just gone in the oven, we couldn't be bothered to clean the BBQ! Halloumi for me and drumsticks for S.

830 and I'm still in my bikini (and floaty skirt!)

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