
By Ridgeback13


A was up early to go and get her hair cut and coloured (something she often does, or does herself, on her birthday!). She was away for 4 hours - and it looked lovely when she got back (extra) - she'd gone for slightly different colours and style from before, with a fringe for a change.
Whilst she was away I finished the application then tried to get stuck into some paperwork - feels like there's a lot to catch up with. Whilst I was in Cromarty last week the probate for P came through so I can now move on to the next steps with executor work and need to contact the other beneficiaries and explain whaat will happen next.
I then got a letter with a citation for jury service at the High Court at the end of August. I've been wondering why I hadn't ever had one in the time I've lived here and lots of people seem to have had several in the same period. Slightly scary about what the case might be, and if it might go on a long time, but the end of August/early September isn't the busiest time for me so it could be ok time wise. We'll have to see.
I dropped A&N at their car then drove on to Portobello for a chance to get out in the sunshine - once again a lovely day. I did a good walk right along the beach and back and it was interesting to see the major work they're doing to repair and reconstruct two groynes that had been collapsed recently.
Home and had a bit of rest with a cup of tea then started working through all the paperwork and getting everything back in order and lists written. Quick leftovers supper then I carried on working through lists and trying to get my head around my diary whilst watching a bit of TV

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