
By peridot


I haven't been shopping for months but the heat must be getting to me and I've been on a buying frenzy in the last week or so.

Today was a normal part of my shopping ritual: taking things back. I ended up in John Lewis to take back a dress and thought I'd have a quick look at belts. Somehow I found myself among the purses, then the bags. I've never considered myself to be a bag girl [or a bag lady] but was stopped in my tracks by tantelising totes in the sale. I browsed coo-ing at the bags and scowling at the [reduced] prices. I decided to live dangerously and slipped this one on my shoulder.

Off to return dress, buy bag and receive refund for the difference. Shocked at the till to discover I'd completely fantasised about the price and it actually cost more than twice what I'd imagined. Kind [or cunning] sales assistant checked on-line price history then trotted me back to bags to check there'd been no mistake. Indeed, the only mistake was mine.

By now, this lovely bag was nestled on my shoulder and singing siren songs in my ear. I was smitten. Bag inevitably bought and now justifying it as a birthday present to me. Told tale to my lovely sister who [once she'd choked at the price] offered a birthday pressie contribution.

All's well that ends well.

Note to self: stop shopping.

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