Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Got It.......

Managed to find the right setting that I had b*ggered up inadvertently changed on the infrared camera.

I made a handful of wee birds on the lathe this morning for a piece I am making - but I need to make 2 or 3 more.

This afternoon SWMBO and I had to go into Edinburgh for a funeral service.
It was the father of one of her oldest school friends....a lovely man.
When we arrived at the crematorium there was a face I recognised, but as usual I couldn't for the life of me remember his name but was pretty sure he had been in the police. When we got to the premises for the 'funeral tea' I met him at the bar. It turns out he was having the same problem as me. An exchange of names and the lightbulbs went on.
We were also talking to the business partner of SWMBO's friend and it transpires that she is friends with a father and son - both of whom I worked with.
It turns out the SWMBO's friends younger sister was at school with my younger brother.
It just goes to show that it is a small world we live in.

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