Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


When we visited our favourite Charity Shop, DEBRA, A few weeks ago , I saw one of these books, written by David Blake, and thought it looked the sort of book that Mr HCB would enjoy. 

He happened to be standing right next to the books, and saw that there were three others on the shelf, and on looking inside found that all four of them were part of a Crime Fiction series by this author.  

Needless to say he was delighted to find four because he has often found one or two in a series and then had to wait to find the others!

The series is set on the Norfolk Broads and according to Mr. HCB, they are “Quite an easy read, especially if you’re on holiday and don’t want to tax your brain too much!”

No doubt the books will be returned to DEBRA eventually, and when we bought them, Ida, one of the Assistants in the shop said that she would be looking out for them! 

We are both quite tired after our weekend away - which was very successful - so are having an easy day.  In fact, I didn’t have my shower until after midday, but Mr. HCB was out in the garden checking the greenhouse and watering the new plants quite early! 

Hope you all have a good week. M xx 

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