Over Yonder

By Stoffel

An Unusual Bouquet

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I was anticipating a quiet Saturday but got taken out on an emergency tampon run.

If you are still recovering from that sentence then you can only imagine how I felt. 

Especially given that my wife is now in deep menopause and therefore all her tampons are purely decorative or to be used for throwing at unruly husbands. 

However, a friend of Caro's from work is having issues although I was not furnished with the detail on account of I'M A BOY LA LA LA. 

No but really, I didn't pry. I don't mind hearing about this stuff but I find a lot of women are the squeamish ones. 

So I'm just going to assume that this lady is producing long strings of streamers out of her foof, like on the Paul Daniels Magic Show or something. 

Caro has a large collection of tampons in the house. I assume these are for guests now, or maybe she just doesn't want to throw them out. Either way, we took the big box to Caro's friend. 

I got left in the car because I'M A BOY LA LA LA. 

Caro apparently said, "Is it weird that I'm delivering a bouquet of tampons to you on a Saturday?"

Friend said no, then invited Caro in for coffee. But Caro said she had left her husband in the car with the window cracked.

After this we drove home, stopping only for coffees along the way. 

I felt virtuous. Even though I'd done nothing but sit there.


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