Karin Kroeze photography

By Karin_HK

These boots were made for walking...

After walking down Cader Idris on Thursday my feet were very sore - I had felt every bit of rock through the the soles of my other boots. So yesterday I found these very sturdy boots (on sale) in Dolgelau.

Today I immediately put them to the test as were intent on walking up mount Snowdon. They did give me a few blisters on the back of my heels going up, but that was to be expected. We came prepared for blisters, so after putting plasters on my heels I managed to climb up further.

We walked up the Rhyd ddu path, which leads you over a magnificent ridge. The weather again has been perfect (although some people complain it's too warm). The photo is just taken under the top as it was too busy for my liking on the top...

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