Living my dream

By Mima


Doing its thing. On Oamaru harbour boats rocked very gently. Out at sea, they were bucketing.

Much of the rock which forms the breakwater originated in the quarry just down the road from Chez Mima three years ago. It was blasted out of the hillside every Wednesday in simply enormous chunks, then lumps were trucked - one at a time - into town to be dumped along the seaward side of the breakwater.

There has been a bitterly cold southerly blowing all day, especially in town; and even more especially on Cape Wanbrow, from where this photo was taken. I was very glad to be ensconced in my wool-lined Barbour jacket. And I was happy to spot a hint of blue in the sky in the extra.

The news from the Biden residence first thing this morning (NZ time) was interesting. It wasn't a surprise, but it does shift things for everybody in the USA. I feel relieved for him as a person. Time to leave the limelight and enjoy his remaining years in peace with his loved ones. I hope.

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