
By Lsquare

Walking In The Fear Of The Lord

We gathered at FBC this morning, grateful for the freedom to join together and lift our voices in praise and worship to God.  Our country has its problems, but God has told us that we are to pray for our leaders on every level and for each other and so we gather to do just that on this day that we have been given.  We began our service with a congregational song, followed by the welcome from Matt.  We were then blessed to witness two baptisms, one a young boy and one a grown man demonstrating that your age doesn't matter when you are fully trusting in Jesus for your salvation and you want to share that decision publicly.  Since the choir and orchestra are still on sabbatical, we were blessed to hear the wonderful harmonies of Sweet Assurance this morning, which is the group of ladies shown at the bottom of the collage.  After that, the congregation was led by Daniel and the worship team, along with our dedicated accompanists and praise band in more songs of praise and worship.  Pastor Wes then spoke to us from 2 Chronicles 19: 1-11 about what it meant for Jehoshaphat  to walk in the fear of the Lord after he had been rebuked for his sin of an unholy alliance and he repented and went back to doing what God had told him to do. There  is much more detail in the Live-stream, but the application for us is that if we have given our lives to Christ, then we are charged as His ambassadors to live out His commitment to justice and righteousness here on earth in whatever He has given us to do, so that people can see Him in us and be drawn to have their own relationship with Him.  Pastor Wes lays it out very clearly in the Live-stream........  

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