Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

6am Sunday morning

It was just barely light out when I got up this morning and opened the front door to let the dog outside.  I could see the moon shining through the lower tree line so went back inside for the camera.

A BC (before coffee!) photo and no tripod.   I was going to see what else I could take for a blip today but then I got lazy so this is it.

It is a little cooler today with a few sprinkles of rain.  We could use another good heavy rain.  I probably will be watering my flowers if it doesn't rain overnight.   Back to the high temps this week.

Today is my oldest son's 50th birthday!!   Time just goes so fast.  

I noticed on my calendar that I will be hosting Tiny Tuesday for August.  I will be thinking of some topics and post them to the challenges page next week.

Have a good week Blippers!  

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