Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


The perfect rose for a Sunday.
Thanks for all the good wishes for Pickle, sadly things are not looking good. We're picking her up tomorrow to go back to her vet after her weekend in hospital.
Church today was quiet, a combination of holidays and our Rector getting away too. People are going to have to get used to that one.
We had some good hymns though and some very appropriate readings for a flock about to lose their shepherd.
I managed to persuade someone to take on a couple of tasks finding a tradesman to do some work in the hall so was pleased with that.
Made a batch of shortbread and another of oatcakes. I think homemade oatcakes are just the best.
Colin made us a carbonara for dinner then we watched episode 5 of the Turkish Detective.
Tomorrow looks like it may be difficult.

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