Lala's Journal

By Lala

Not talking to you!

Dog doesn’t understand the beach laws at this time of year and wanted to go run on the beach, minus lead! 

I was up early to walk him, then a shopping delivery at 9am and  costa with Ann at 10. The rest of the day was fairly productive with general stuff, pruning roses and the wisteria, laundry etc and setting up the new security camera I bought on Prime day. Of the three we bought a few years ago, only one is still working properly. They are far superior to ones I can get now, as now one has to pay a subscription to get the recordings etc, but surprise surprise, the ones we had are no longer in production, bought out by Amazon.  

I came across a lovely poem today, which resonated with me. 
Sadness came to tea last night 
as she’s often done before
but I didn’t let her in this time
I stopped her at the door

“I’m off to meet with friends”, I said 
“your timing isn’t right
I can’t allow your atmosphere 
it’s not the place tonight”

but sadness wouldn’t take the hint 
her manners lack finesse 
her pace was slow and heavy 
yet she kept up nonetheless 

and even when I took my place 
amongst my laughing friends 
she squeezed herself right in-between 
her boldness never ends   

and I was sure my friends would see
this spectre at the feast 
and somehow think me lesser 
for inviting such a beast   

but no, their warmth was undeterred 
as if nothing was new 
I think perhaps they know by now 
I sometimes come as two 

and even sadness seemed to glow 
a lighter shade of grey 
to know that she’s accepted
seemed to lighten up her day 

so let your sad accompany you 
don’t think her hard to bear 
no need to face her all alone 
just pull an extra chair.

Donna Ashworth
‘Sadness comes

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