Have Camera Will Travel

By cathy1947

Dragonfly lodge

Today we took advantage of all the lodge (extra 5) has to offer. After a leisurely breakfast on the deck I set up the tripod to photograph the many birds who visited the birdfeeder (never leave home without it) a wide variety of tits also spotted a woodpecker but too slow to get a photo. The highlight was watching the moorhen skipping across the waterlily pads (extra 1) to collect reeds to make a nest.

A quick trip to the shop to pickup some essential supplies then back to the lodge for lunch.

There is a nice walk through the woods and a larger lake where we see this boat.. On the way back we have to cross the Monet bridge and Monty (extra 4) who hates bridges has to be carried over.(extra 2) water lilies, (extra 3) Greylag goose,ruddy darter,some sort of cricket.

Tonight we enjoyed some fine dining on the deck.

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