
By GreenArcher

Christ of St John of the Cross

Positioned on a cross which hovers over a watery landscape, Salvador Dali’s 'Christ of Saint John of the Cross' is radically different from other crucifixions. While simultaneously looking directly out across the water, viewers are also looking down on the image of Christ, positioned above. His head bowed, we are unable to see his face at all. Instead of the usual attributes we might see in paintings of the crucifix from art history- thorny crown embedded into the forehead, painful-looking nails pinning down bloody hands, and an open gash at the lifeless Jesus’ side- Dali’s Christ bears no injury. His body is perfect and, as Dali stated, ‘as beautiful as the God that He is’.

   You can read more about this work of art here:-;id=1;type=101

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