Updates ….
Remember my lovely friend Marty Feldman ( she who had the pulmonary embolism that nearly killed her ) well in the 16 months since she tried to explode herself she’s been incredibly unwell , a fair few heart attacks and some other horrors have happened, anyway to cut to the point she underwent a heart transplant on Wednesday which didn’t go exactly to plan ( which is typical of Marty ) so to get to the even shorter point she’s been in an induced coma since whilst an ECMO machine keeps the new heart which is now inside Marty working because it’s being a bit lazy sorting itself out … I’ve been down to the Harefield hospital today to sit with her and tell her stuff … all is not lost because this has been known to happen and to quote her surgeon ‘ I’m not panicking ‘ .
This is of course the very potted version .
2nd update on the mad woman … after telling you about her 2 days ago she went on to attack a mother and daughter and a bus driver …. Then she threatened some children at the park .. EVENTUALLY after 2 weeks of terror ( it’s been on and off for 7 months) she was arrested… apparently it’s drugs and she goes bananas when taking them……. Which means she will probably be back out again very soon .
I’m really tired , it’s been a weird weekend .
I’ve turned comments off as I feel so guilty I’ve hardly caught up with anyone for weeks and weeks . Xxx
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