talloplanic views

By Arell

Where the tame things are

For a motorbike that has barely turned a wheel in a bit over a year I am amazed that a light bulb filament could have gone in that time, but fortunately I have spare in my "motorbike bits" drawer.  Of course, as my friend Kim once observed of bike lights, you have two, "because two is one, and one is none." which was why I cycled out to Halfords to buy another spare.

But not before measuring Mirabel's saddle position extremely carefully, and then installing the aftier of the two seat posts.  You do kind of get what you pay for: neither of the new ones is very fancy, and there is no infinite adjust facility, just a good old ratchety bracket that means the tilt of the saddle is invariably about 1.5 degrees off where you actually want it, and if you are a discerning*† rider, that's enough to be quite obvious when you pedal.  But for a first attempt at a position it felt pretty decent, and if it needs to go back to factory settings, I can do that in five minutes.

I had a ride through the old Loanhead colliery afterwards to look for butterflies, but despite enough buddelia bushes to give even the stoutest of stone buildings nightmares, I spotted just one bumblebee, and not a single butterfly.  Not one.

So that's why today is an emergency cat blip with little M going at the catnip banana.

* me
† or if you* have a tricky pelvis

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