Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Music on the High Street

Today I decided on something different for my blip.  Besides, I've had a tiring week so the long walk I'd imagined started to get shorter and shorter in my head and ended up being a bus ride into town!  However, to make it a challenge I left my long lens at home - and you know how much I love my long lens!

This guy began to play as I passed the Buttercross.  His nameboard said he was Luke Gadjus and that he was playing his own compositions.  He was pretty impressive, I have to say, and the money was flowing in.

As for the extra, further down the precinct there is often a middle-aged, shawl-wrapped lady playing a harp.  Over the last year or so she's taken to singing at the same time, rather..  (well, seeing as it's you that's asked, a little wobbly and out of tune I'm afraid).  Today her choice was Amazing Grace and although she's not in shot, the dear soul in the picture decided to help by conducting her, hence the facial expression and hand gestures ;))

Right, that's me.  Enjoy what's left of your weekend  xx

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