
By spannarama

Hotel view

Woke up a couple of minutes before my alarm - and heard a plane taking off from City Airport (suddenly realised quite how close I actually was to it!)  I took a video of the next one to show Tim - this is just a frame grab from that.

Busy day.  Walked to Custom House to catch the Elizabeth Line to Moorgate - lovely sunny morning - and went into the office for the day.  Spent the first hour or so catching up with Char and Jack about all the changes going on at work at the mo.  Group therapy....  Lots of other catching up throughout the day (including with the lovely Amirah) - can't say I got a huge amount of work done.  I went to Waitrose with Char at lunchtime, and we ran into Jack on the way back - felt like the old days again!

Had my appraisal with our chief exec in the afternoon.  I admitted to being nervous (as I always am with these things), but it went fine.  Carried on working until 6pm-ish, then hotfooted it over to Charing Cross to meet Lizzie at the National Portrait Gallery.  She was running a bit late, and I couldn't seem to find a way in - all the gates seemed to be closed - so I had a wander all round the outside of both that and the National Gallery - and worked out that they had both closed at 6pm.  D'oh!!

Lizzie arrived and we did the only thing we could - went to the pub for the evening :)  And a very lovely evening it was too.  Finally got back to my hotel room around 10:30pm.  So tired!

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