
By Julesey

Too hot

Even Munchy as wilting after a long walk in the hills this morning. Dropped Ellie off at Hip Hop rehearsal and then drove the dogs to Storey Arms car park. At 10 am there were spaces by the ice cream van which was useful when I got back.
The dogs hate being on leads on walks but with sheep around it is better to be safe than risk charging about after them. I am not sure if they are clever enough to know how irritating they are when they use my legs as a maypole with their leads.
Every time we passed any water , however stinky, Munchy had to lie down in it. Being small , the surface area to volume ratio is against him in this heat as is his colour.
We had a great walk and he even posed quite nicely for some photo's with Pen y Fan in the background. I only saw 6 people in the whole 2.5 hours. Pays to go on the hills opposite the main attraction. There were lots of small yellow and white butterflies, skylarks , flies , sheep and ponies.
Looking like a beetroot on legs when I got back to the car I did fall prey to the ice cream van and gave the dogs the last of my water.

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