Capital adventures

By marchmont

A Grand Day out

After waking at 9.18 (!) I hung out washing and then headed out to the Japanese Garden at Cowden. The weather was better than forecast.  There was some sun, no rain and it was absolutely still.

I did the conducted tour which gave a lot of information.  I am amazed about Ela Christie and her travels.  What a woman!  Then had some lunch along with 3 women from Dumfries, 'no I am not related to Susan Calman'!

After another walk round the garden and the new garden I had a Luca's ice cream, walked down the lome tree avenue and the woodland and then back to the car.  Nearly 4 hours.

Came home via the coast and the rain started in Culross.  Stopped in by Sainsbury's on the way home for supplies and then spent the evening trying to decide about flights, listening to the radio and researching Ella Christie.  I've order the book she wrote about travels to Samarkand in early 20th century.   Interesting programme about Sinead O'Connor.  

A good day.

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