London on the hottest day of the year - potentially a terrible idea. So far we're doing well though.
To the Tate at 10: Caulfield, Hume, Lowry, pomegranate juice and a coconut slice.
Then to the other Tate, and a quick(ish) stop at the Bargehouse on the way. We went into a forbidden staircase to try and find a drawing that me and Pose did on the wall last year. We couldn't find it. Boo.
Oh, and just because I hope never to forget the look of horror on my mum's face, I must also mention the topless jogger who squeezed past us on a narrow path, wiping his sweat all over her arm. Hilarious. (For me).
Now we're heading for Richmond.
I'm rather warm.
A few more.
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