
By MerrilHope

The art of art making

I had to work today, Saturday, because of the public holiday on Monday. Mildly annoyed at an unexpected extra day of early rising, it was, in the end, more than fine. Only three of the five girls attended and we had the entire art studio to ourselves in peace and quiet - no young summer camp kids. I set up a still life to paint in acrylic (today's pic). Still life painting is one of my favourite activities for students because it always goes the same way - their initial dismay and low expectations of success ("we have to paint all of it?"), which gradually transforms to joy and satisfaction at their own success and achievement by the end of the morning. It's a breaking point for learners to realize that they can do what at first they assumed they could not.  I walked home feeling pleased not least because one of the mums made a point of coming to the Art studio to say really nice things to me about how much her daughter is enjoying and learning, with said daughter augmenting her mum's comments with examples :)  Receiving thanks for doing what you love is always a bonus.

After the the past two evenings of socializing, I was content to spend the rest of the day at 'home' in the cool of the A/C with Nohut, embroidery, social media and Prime Video - 'Bosch' series 4. Having read the books I am enjoying the televised versions as a low focus easy watch at the end of a hot and busy day. 

Detective Hieronymus "Harry" Bosch is a fictional character created by American author Michael Connelly. Bosch debuted as the lead character in the 1992 novel The Black Echo, the first in a best-selling police procedural series now numbering 24 novels. Wikipedia

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