The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


It was still very humid this morning. I went to see S, who had been working literally around the clock because there had been a security breach around his work. As his work involves protecting people living under a repressive regime, this is very serious. Unsurprisingly, he was exhausted. 

I carried on down to town and caught the bus to Cheltenham. Had arranged to meet D at  Brasserie Blanc. He arrived slightly late, and started moaning about how far away it was from the theatre where we were going later, and how we wouldn't have time to have lunch! He is not one for making the best of things. He would always rather be somewhere else. Today, it seemed he would have preferred to be in Cote brasserie. 

The food was delicious, we managed two courses and I had a lemon-and-mint cocktail (above) AND got to the theatre in time! Bravissimo!

The show was Cleudo 2. I do wish I had read the reviews before booking it. I didn't realize it was going to be a send up. I thought it would be set in the 1930s. D thought it was 'rubbish' but did not blame me for choosing it. He says he wants to see a 'good play' next time. He'd better choose...

Afterwards, we went for a coffee in a sweet little boutiquey place, and I bought Steve some Delice de Bourgogne  cheese in the fabulous cheese shop, Cheeseworks. I walked D back to his bus stop, then dived into M and S for some gf supplies. 

Caught the bus home. I'm feeling a bit weird in my tummy, so will spend a quiet evening lying down watching TV on my laptop, I reckon. 

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