Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Something's Not Right.

I had an early morning run to the shops this morning and when I got back I went and took a few shots of flowers in our neighbours' front garden since they are still not home from holiday.
They are Over Here.
 It never fails to amaze me the colour range that you can get on the same Hydrangea bush.

When we went out to drop off a birthday card for H and I took a couple of shots with the infra red camera. 
I have no idea what I have done with the settings but the shots were just RED!... This is the best I could make out of them (and that took some work). I will need to try and figure out what I have done.

There was some trimming back done on the Hop, Wisteria and Honeysuckle and a wee bit of turning blank preparation done.

The finger had been better today but the plasters (there were two on - one bigger one to cover the smaller blood soaked one) were reluctant to come off and so the wound started weeping again as soon as they did.
But at least I was able to clean all the dried blood away.
The biggest problem I have had with it since putting a new plaster   on was some of the juice from a lime I was squeezing into the dinner managed to get into the plaster. Man that stuff stings in an open wound..... 

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