
By hazelh

Granny and the Georgian man

This blip is from the collection of slides that Mr hazelh recently rescued from the attic of Mummy hazelh's old house. Here are my paternal grandparents in the house that they inhabited until the late 1960s. As is the case of many of the images from the slides, I am very interested in the furniture and artwork seen in the full shot. 

Here it's the item behind my granny's left shoulder that attracted my attention*. A couple of weeks ago Mr hazelh and I took this picture round to the framer to ask if it could be better secured within its frame. The job has now been done and this afternoon we hung the picture in our study. I don't believe that this picture has been displayed since my grandparents moved into a bungalow in/around 1966. I have certainly never seen it hanging on a wall before. I am so pleased that our Georgian man has been welcomed back into society after a five decade absence.

Also on our trip out to collect the picture from the framer we called into the library to pick up my next book group book (The bookseller of Inverness), popped into a couple of charity shops, and enjoyed coffee/tea and a shared brownie for two at the Nook coffee shop.

*I also own the coffee pot that my granny is holding here. Until I saw this picture I thought that it came from Mummy hazelh's side of the family. I was wrong.

Exercise today: none apart from a small amount of walking (9,827 steps).

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