creative lenna

By creativelenna

Family Time

So wonderful to arrive in Boston to see our grandkids... and their mom & dad! 
Steve immediately took up the offer from our grandson to read a book, while I helped our granddaughter pick out a bathing suit and swim shirt for sun protection. (extra photo!) We somehow all fit into one car and drove about 5 minutes to a community pool! 

So many kids & parents splashing about in a walk in pool! Our little grandson is learning to swim (at 3!) and splashed and went underwater every time he went back & forth between his mother and me! She said to me "no fear, over confidence..." and something else funny about his "swimming!"  He's taking lessons and so far really just getting comfy with water. 

After swimming/splashing we found a table under an umbrella and had some delicious pizza... then the kids and parents went back to the pool to do it all over again! Back at home the little ones got ready for bed, I read to our grandson and when he he got tucked in, our granddaughter introduced her small bunny collection and put on a play for us!!

Thank you for all you congratulations, stars and so many hearts for my 2,555th Blipfoto entry! I've been a member for almost 14 years but I'm still very happy to celebrate 7 years worth of blips!!

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