BikerBear's Blips

By BikerBear

Poached ............

 ............... Egg plant!

"What?"  I hear you cry "no, that's a mallow!"

....... and you would be correct.
Since the diagnosis of vascular dementia, for Himself, last year, there have been a couple of redhouse mix-ups when planting and labelling seeds.

These were ticketed "poached plants" (the eggs got lost somewhere) so when they started to sprout I transferred them to a likely spot - then, like Topsy (if you are old enough to remember and non-pc enough to want to remember - I am), they just grow'd and grow'd.

There were hints of pink flowers yesterday but, on going out at 06.00 this morning, this is what greeted me.   
Totally in the wrong place but very, very pretty all the same.
I have no clue where the "poached plants" went or are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The joys of gardening.

~ Anni ~

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