
By dreaming

A panorama

I know it's Flower Friday, but this was the best photo I took today and I'm so pleased that I was able to get Mount Rainier and the Seattle skyline into the same shot!

A really frustrating day (for a change.)  I'm trying to find out how to go about re-applying for financial assistance at UW Medical Center, as I have to do that by the end of the month.  My current award goes till the end of August.  I tried calling three times, selecting a different choice each time, and had no luck.  The first time, after waiting 12 minutes, I agreed to have a call-back.  They never called.  The second time, there was silence for 10 minutes and then the call was ended.  When I tried again, they sent me a link to a web page with the information - but the link took me to a "page not found" message.  I don't know what to do next.

When I woke up this morning, Sylvie was sitting on the comforter on my legs.  She barely bothered me at all during the night.  So we are both happy about this.  She ventured out of the bedroom a few times today and I actually was able to pick her up and hold her two times.  I live in hope.

Back to dialysis tomorrow.

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