A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Day 5 - Spanish senoritas!

They’re back!

Late this afternoon Grace and John arrived back from their short break in Majorca. The girls were thrilled and excited and wanted to show off some of their gifts with some Spanish dancing. They loved the fans and the Geckos and snow globes they brought them. Luckily todays computer outage didn't affect their travel.

We’d spent the time waiting for them in the garden, again playing football. We then all enjoyed the dancing as we ate our meal on the terrace as the sun went down. A huge balloon flew over us, we could hear it before we saw it.

Earlier in the day we went into Bath for a bit of shopping, walking on the shady side of the road. ( We popped into Morrisons whilst we had the car for dropping off Jude to get the heavier things - because of the IT debacle contactless payments couldn’t be made, later in Waitrose* they would only take cash! Chaos! But with a bit of blitz spirit from everyone) 

As soon as we hit town we became aware of graduates everywhere. There was a graduation ceremony taking place in the Abbey. A festive atmosphere in the summer sun.
Once we got what we needed our plan was to get back as soon as possible on the bus as it was so hot and we would soon have to pick up Eda. Pressed the bell for the bus to stop and it sailed right past the road we needed and headed on to the bypass. The road was closed unbeknown to us but the driver was waving at me and he took us round to Batheaston, missing out the several stops along the closed road including ours!. We were way beyond where we wanted to be so we had a drink in Gather before walking back to Bailbrook Lane and up from the opposite end. So we’ve ended up doing over 20,000 steps today!

Could have done without it but we had enough time to collect Eda. Her last day in Yr 1 and Apple class, she will be in Hazel class in September when she starts Yr 2.

Time to relax a bit now. We’ve had a busy time but a most enjoyable one and I think we’ve done quite a good job if I say so myself!

* the lady on the till told us that cash is now more popular than card in Waitrose which surorused ys,  as people are being more careful with their spending   

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