Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Hot Blue Sky

Above me :)

 I really haven't done a lot today and my wander round the garden this evening didn't bring any exciting blip material....

Slow morning after a rotten night's sleep due to the heat :(  I've had the curtains closed all day to keep the room ready for later, so hoping it will be better after dark when I open the windows...

Had all the windows and doors open upstairs so Miss Charlie could wander too - but she just laid under the chest of drawers all night - poor girl must have been so hot!

I wrote a second letter to Thames Water.  I first wrote to them about them not taking any Direct Debits from me and holding onto over £500 of mine since February on the 24th May.  Not heard a dicky bird at all.  So now I've threatened the ombudsman - after all there are three ways to contact me - phone, email and letter!!!!  No excuse at all!

Anyway, I managed to walk on my one crutch up  to church for the last coffee and chat meeting I'll be able to attend, and took my little knitting project with me - see extra.

One friend very kindly posted the Thames Water letter and another for me so I didn't need to walk further :)

Afterwards, one of my friends kindly gave me a lift home :)

This afternoon I managed to do my last stint of voluntary work for a while :(  I hope to be able to do a couple of hours on a Saturday for them when I'm settled into my new job...

Happy Weekend! 

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