
By gennepher


I am trying to play catch up in my bungalow today, but keep having to stop for a rest with this heat.

Thought I had better do this post...

Slept okay last night, but added a bigger fan to the bedroom. I prefer the smaller fans because they do not disturb the 'hidden' dust, and make my eyes worse....

Yesterday when I went down the steep hill into the town, the temperature dropped about 4 to 6C just going down a bit in altitude. And I noticed the same difference coming back, only the temperature got warmer and the air stuffier...

Wildlife Nighttime video
This is Pa badger falling off the swing...
I felt so sorry for him.
Midnight was sitting next to me as I was editing this and put his paw on the screen...
58 secs

Creative...Kaleidoscope of some Yarrow in my herb garden...

The thermometer in the shade in my back garden tells me it is 24.9C at 4 pm.
What that means the heat inside my bungalow will be tonight, I have no idea....

I can see me going out in the garden to sleep ...before I knew there were nightly badgers and foxes in my garden, I would go and sleep on the swing for the night when the temperatures were like this...

I'll check what the thermometer in the potting shed is has a bed in it, and is almost over grown and shaded by greenery...

Have your best day...

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