
By TheOttawacker

Another moment of paternal pride

Made a bit more progress on the New Zealand work – actually, maybe “progress” isn’t the word. I am essentially writing general crits of webinars, posting links, and making sure people can get some positive information out of it. It’s essentially as much work as I want to do, so it’s not a case of making progress, it’s more about filling a hole – but filling a hole that I have just dug.
In the afternoon, tidied up the office a bit and then got ready for Ottawacker Jr.’s game against Gloucester Hornets. It’s been a long, hard season thus far for the Internationals – especially in the league. But they did well this evening, beating Gloucester 4-0. Proud parent moment: the Internationals’ fourth goal came from a shocking mistake by Gloucester’s keeper. As the team wheeled away to celebrate, a big shout came from Ottawacker Jr.: “Hey boys, don’t celebrate, it’s just a mistake. We all make them.” Not quite sure where he was adopted from – I was in the process of running across the pitch to give the Gloucester keeper a big noogie when I heard him say that … (No, I wasn’t, don’t worry…)
Filled with pride, I called Mrs. Ottawacker and after dropping one of the other boys off home, we met up with Mitch (who had also been at the game) at O’Briens. Here I had too much Guinness and too many wings. My stomach is gurgling as I write – and once the coffee kicks in, I am rather sure I will regret the “suicide” heat wing sauce that accompanied the wings.

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