Seeing Beyond Looking

By SandraSuisse

Friday Walking Group!

Well here are the three of us (two were absent) having fun together and laughing at my newly acquired selfie stick with tripod! You can see the remote control in my right hand! Great fun, easy to put together (once you know how) and it works a treat!

Today is our hottest day so far this week and we had an early start at 8 am and headed for the woods with comfortable walking paths. tall trees, birdsong and beauty. I just love these outing!  We were never too hot among the trees and on the way back the car was air-conditioned. Bliss!  

Now a lovely lazy afternoon. Honey has sought out the coolest part of my home, stretched out in the shade on the cotton bedspread. Sometimes she stretches out on the cool tiles of the bathroom too!

Life is good and housework can definitely wait for a rainy day. That's going to be Sunday, apparently!

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